Psychosocial assistance and psychological support for refugees.
First of all, thank you psychologists for your heart-warming emails and many registrations. You will hear from us soon via your email.
How are we going to do it?
When someone reports a psychological problem, we map it out (short triage) and want to connect that person to a psychologist from WereldPsychologen in the Netherlands, who will start an online treatment or telephone support programme as he or she sees fit. This help is for all people who are still in Ukraine or somewhere along the way or who have already arrived somewhere.
Like a buddy system, there is personal contact between the refugee and the psychologist.
Together, they consider for how long and how often they have contact.
Psychological support/treatment for people in Ukraine
We have contacts m
and professionals in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine. A website has been developed where people with mental health problems can easily find information such as psycho-education on sleep and stress and advice in Ukrainian.
On this site there is a link to professional care and the email address of WereldPsychologen. This way one can contact us directly. This site has been translated into 4 languages (Czech, Ukrainian, Russian and English) and has been viewed many times. Also a Facebook site has been created, on which we are present.
Why is this so important?
The regular GGZ has enormous waiting lists and will soon not be able to support all refugees from Ukraine directly. Apart from the waiting lists problem they do not know our care system and they are not insured yet.
Therefore, we believe that the commitment of all volunteer psychologists is invaluable, not only for now but also for psychological health later on.
World Psychologists can make a difference thanks to all volunteer psychologists who want to contribute. Our gratitude is great.
In addition, we will set up intervision opportunities for our psychologists who are buddies, so that they can take good care of each other and ask each other for advice.
Furthermore, we are working on cooperation with other networks and organisations such as NTvP, which wants to give a webinar to all volunteers. If there are new developments, we will keep you informed.