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Policy plan 2020-2023

World Psychologists Foundation Policy Plan 2020-2023

Origin and purpose of the World Psychologists Foundation

The World Psychologists Foundation came into being after Gea Dunnik, psychotherapist, visited two refugee camps on Lesbos in 2018. After a call from Gea on linked-in, a core group of 3 psychologists got to work with the plan to provide structural psycho-social support to refugees.

The aim of WereldPsychologen is to provide structural psycho-social aid to refugees and their helpers in emergency situations. Where that structural help is not there in different parts of the world. Minister Kaag emphasised the importance of this in 2019 in a TV programme "Pauw" as follows: "In crisis situations, psychosocial assistance is just as important as food, water, shelter and safety. It is not a bonus, but should become a standard part of humanitarian emergency aid." World Psychologists aims to make a substantial contribution to this.

Start of activities in 2019

In October 2019, 3 psychologists went to Lesvos and a cooperation was started with Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid, a law organisation that supports refugees professionally and with great compassion in their asylum procedure.
The cooperation currently involves two aspects:

- Psychological support from Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid volunteers (lawyers and interpreters) to prevent secondary traumatisation through Skype conversations.

- Support for refugees in Lesvos, during the interview sessions of the refugees with Fenix lawyers.


Policy and Organisation

The goal for the coming year is:

1) Continuation of psychological support for the volunteers via skype sessions.

2) Continued support to refugees in Lesvos during the interview sessions with Fenix lawyers.

3) Sending a psychologist to Lesbos for a longer period of time in order to be able to structurally shape the organisation and psycho-social assistance there.

4) Fundraising to obtain structural funds to realise the other goals

5) Expanding networks, including psychiatrists, other aid organisations and interest groups such as the NIP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work together.

Core principles and principles of the organisation/Statutory objective

The WereldPsychologen Foundation serves the general interest and has no profit motive. The goals of the World Psychologists Foundation are

(a) To provide psycho-social assistance and such in emergency situations as well as in all other situations in which there is no structural form of such assistance, anywhere in the world, to victims and other persons in need of assistance and/or to relief workers and/or other persons involved in such situations;

(b) Providing courses and training in order to be able to provide the intended psycho-social assistance;

c) The performance of all further activities which are related to the above in the broadest sense or which may be conducive to it;

d) The policy of the foundation must be such that the foundation can be regarded as a public benefit institution as referred to in Section 5b of the General Act on State Taxes.

The foundation tries to achieve its aim, among other things, by organising and offering psycho-social help in or around refugee camps or at other locations where refugees and/or their helpers are staying, anywhere in the world, on site or remotely via available means of communication (skype, whatsapp).



An overview of future projects by the organisation

In the future WereldPsychologen will focus more and more on structural aid for refugees and their aid workers. WereldPsychologen will focus on a model whereby one psychologist is permanently present in the refugee camp where aid is offered, with reimbursement of expenses. In addition, other psychologists, volunteers, will be flown in for shorter or longer periods of time and will be supervised by the permanent psychologist. The psycho-social support will focus on stress-relief, healthy coping mechanisms and where possible short-term support/sessions.


Cash/Distribution of liquidation balance

The capital of WereldPsychologen is mainly formed by gifts and donations, subsidies and sponsor contributions. In 2020 we will start with a capital of 0 Euro. In 2020 a benefit dinner will be held to raise money for the foundation. Funds (donations and gifts) will also be raised from private individuals in other ways (e.g. via crowd-funding actions and the website). In addition, several organisations, including the government, private companies and the public sector will be approached.

funds, church bodies and other socially involved organisations are asked for a (structural) contribution.


In the event that the foundation is dissolved, the positive liquidation balance will be allocated to a public benefit organisation (ANBI) with a similar objective or to a foreign organisation that exclusively or almost exclusively aims to achieve public benefit and has a similar objective. The foundation does not make any payments to a founder or director. Only costs made by directors in the performance of their duties can be reimbursed by the foundation.

The start-up and initial activities of WereldPsychologen are financed by the three founders' own contributions and by the proceeds of the first benefit dinner.


Description of the task and management relations within the board

The foundation shall be managed and represented by a board consisting of at least two and at most nine persons. At the time of foundation, there are three board members. The board consists at least of a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer. Board members are appointed by co-option for a period of three years and may be re-appointed. The board meets at least once a year, but the aim is to meet every month. The chairperson calls the board together and leads the meeting, the secretary takes minutes and the treasurer provides an overview of the resources.



The first board of the "World Psychologists Foundation" consists of:

Gea Dunnik : Chairman

Myra Haakman: Secretary

Jeanette Jaspers: Treasurer


What does the World Psychologists Foundation want to achieve?

1) Continuation of psychological support for the volunteers via skype sessions.

2) Continued support to refugees in Lesvos during the interview sessions with Fenix lawyers.

3) Sending a psychologist to Lesbos for a longer period of time in order to be able to structurally shape the organisation and psycho-social assistance there.

4) Fundraising to obtain structural funds to realise these goals.

5) Expanding networks, including psychiatrists, other aid organisations and interest groups such as the NIP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work together.

6) Establishing and organising a foundation to house these activities and to raise funds to cover the costs.



Activities of the organisation in 2020-2023

The work for the coming years includes the following components:

- Continuation of psychological support for the volunteers via skype calls.

- Set up and support a 'skype group' of volunteer psychologists in the Netherlands.

- Continued support for refugees in Lesvos during the interview sessions with Fenix lawyers.

- Sending a psychologist to Lesbos for a longer period of time in order to be able to structurally shape the organisation and psycho-social assistance there.

- Draw up a plan for the recruitment of financial resources and actual fundraising in order to obtain structural resources to realise the goals.

- Expanding networks, including psychiatrists, other aid organisations and interest groups such as the NIP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work together.

- Establishment of foundation (via notary);

- Make policy plan, also for next three years (2020-2023);

- Preparation of the 2020 budget and 2020-2023 multi-year budget;

- Arranging/ setting up financial accounts;

- Create a website (with photos/videos/story-telling) with general information and the information that an ANBI must provide and a 'button' to donate for individuals;

- Recruit volunteers (make volunteer contract);

- Draw up a plan setting out what is expected of volunteers and how they will be involved in the organisation (forms of consultation and possibly the formation of teams for certain tasks);

- Arranging insurance to cover the liability of the volunteers and board members;

- Search for ambassadors for the foundation;

- Searching for new cooperation partners, including the SUN organisation. This organisation reports to people in need who are excluded by their family and/or environment because of religious reasons or sexual orientation. If there are PTSD symptoms, these people can report to WereldPsychologen.












Policy plan of the World Psychologists Foundation 2020-2023 


Origin and purpose of the World Psychologists Foundation 

The World Psychologists Foundation came into being after a visit of Gea Dunnik, psychotherapist, to two refugee camps in 2018 on Lesbos. After a call from Gea on linked-in, a core group of 3 psychologists started working with the plan to provide structural psycho-social support to refugees. 


The goal of World Psychologists is to offer structural psycho-social help to refugees and their aid workers in emergency situations. Specifically in parts of the world where structural help is not available. Minister Kaag emphasized the importance of this in 2019 in a TV programme "Pauw" as follows: "In crisis situations, psychosocial assistance is just as important as food, water, shelter and security. It is not a bonus, but should become a standard part of humanitarian emergency aid. That is where World Psychologists aims to make a substantial contribution.  


Start of activities in 2019 

In October 2019, 3 psychologists went to Lesbos and started a cooperation with Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid; a law organisation that supports refugees professionally and compassionately in their asylum procedure. 

The cooperation currently involves two aspects:  

- Psychological support of Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid's volunteers (lawyers and interpreters) to prevent secondary traumatization through online (video) calls. 

- Support for refugees in Lesbos, during the refugees' interview sessions with Fenix's lawyers. 

- Support for refugees from Ukraine. 


Policy and Organisation 

The goal for next year is: 

1) Continuation of psychological support for the volunteers through online (video) calls. 

2) Continuing the support of refugees in Lesvos during the interview sessions with Fenix lawyers. 

3) Sending a psychologist to Lesbos for a longer period of time in order to be able to structurally shape the organisation and psycho-social support there. 

4) Raising funds to structurally obtain resources to realize the other goals. 

5) Expanding networks, including psychiatrists, other relief organizations and interest groups such as the NIP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work together. 


Core principles and principles of the organisation/Statutory objective 

The World Psychologists Foundation serves the public interest and has no profit motive. The purpose of the World Psychologists Foundation is: 

(a) To provide psycho-social assistance in emergency situations as well as in all other situations in which a structural form of such assistance is lacking, anywhere in the world, to victims and other persons in need and/or aid workers and/or other persons involved in such situations; 

b) To provide courses and training in order to be able to offer psycho-social assistance; 

c) The performance of all other activities which are related to the above in the broadest sense, or which may be conducive to it; 

d) The policy of the foundation must be such that the foundation can be regarded as a general benefit-providing institution as referred to in Section 5b of the General Tax Act. 


The foundation tries to achieve its objective, among other things, by organisizing and offering psycho-social help in or around refugee camps or at other locations where refugees and/or their aid workers reside, anywhere in the world, on site or remotely through available means of communication (zoom, teams, skype, whatsapp). 


An overview of future projects by the organization 

In the future, World Psychologists will increasingly focus on structural assistance for refugees and their aid workers. World Psychologists will focus on a model in which one psychologist is structurally present in the refugee camp where help is offered, with expenses reimbursed. In addition, other psychologists, volunteers, will be flown in for a shorter or longer period of time and be supervised by the permanent psychologist. The psycho-social support will focus on stress-relief, healthy coping mechanisms and where possible short-term support/ sessions. 


Cash assets/ balance sheet 

The assets of World Psychologists are mainly formed by gifts and donations, grants and sponsor contributions. In 2020 we started with a capital of 0 Euro. In 2020 a benefit dinner was held to raise money for the foundation. Also otherwise (eg through crowd-funding actions and through the website) funds (donations and gifts) will be raised from individuals. In addition, various organizations, including the government, private funds, church bodies and other socially involved organizations are asked for a (structural) contribution. 


In the event that the foundation is dissolved, the destination of the positive liquidation balance will be spent on behalf of a public welfare institution (ANBI) with a similar objective or on behalf of a foreign institution that exclusively or almost exclusively aims at the public welfare and has a similar objective. The foundation does not make any distributions to a founder or director. Only expenses incurred by directors in the performance of their duties may be reimbursed by the foundation. 


The start-up and initial activities of World Psychologists are financed by own contributions of the three founders of the foundation and by the proceeds of the first benefit dinner. 


Description of the duties and board relations 

The foundation is governed and represented by a board consisting of at least 2 and at most 9 persons. At the time of foundation, there are three board members. The board shall consist at least of a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer. Board members are appointed by co-option for a period of 3 years and are eligible for reappointment. The board meets at least once a year, but the goal is to meet every month. The president convenes the board and leads the meeting, the secretary takes notes, and the treasurer provides an overview of the funds. 



The first board of the "World Psychologists Foundation" consists of: 

- Gea Dunnik : Chairman 

- Myra Haakman: Secretary 

- Jeanette Jaspers: Treasurer 


What does the World Psychologists Foundation want to achieve? 

1) Continuation of psychological support for the volunteers through online(video)calls. 

2) Continuation of support to refugees in Lesbos during interview sessions with Fenix lawyers. 

3) Sending a psychologist to Lesbos for a longer period of time in order to be able to structurally shape the organisation and psycho-social support there. 

4) Fundraising to obtain structural resources to realize these goals. 

5) Expanding networks, including psychiatrists, other relief organizations and interest groups such as the NIP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work together. 

6) Establish and organize a foundation to house these activities and raise funds to cover costs. 


Work of the organisation in 2020-2023 

The work for the next few years includes the following components: 

- Continuation of psychological support for volunteers through online (video) calls. 

- Set up and support an 'online video group' of volunteer psychologists in the Netherlands. 

- Continuation of support to refugees in Lesbos during interview sessions with Fenix lawyers. 

- Sending a psychologist to Lesbos for a longer period of time in order to be able to structurally shape the organisation and psycho-social assistance there. 

- Making a plan for recruiting financial means and actual fundraising in order to structurally obtain means to realize the goals. 

- Expanding networks, including psychiatrists, other relief organizations and interest groups such as the NIP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work together. 

- Establish foundation (through notary); 

- Make a policy plan, including the next three years (2020-2023); 

- Make budget 2020 and multi-year budget 2020-2023; 

- Arrange/set up financial accounting; 

- Create website (with photos/movies/storytelling) with general information and the information that an ANBI should give and a 'button' to donate for individuals; 

- Recruit volunteers (make volunteer contract); 

- Draw up a plan stating what is expected of volunteers and how they will be involved in the organisation (forms of consultation and possibly the formation of teams for certain tasks); 

- Arranging insurance to cover the liability of the volunteers and board members; 

- Search for ambassadors for the Foundation; 

- Search for new cooperation partners, including the organisation SUN. This organisation reports people in need who are excluded by their family and/or environment because of religious reasons or sexual orientation. If there are PTSD symptoms, these people can report to World Psychologists. 

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