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Psychological first aid - NTVP


This guide provides an overview of psychological first aid, providing human, supportive and practical assistance to fellow human beings affected by severe crisis situations.

Source: WHO. Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers.


Samopomich - Home Page | Facebook



A website with listening exercises for relaxation / self-hypnosis for adults and children from and in Ukraine.

The exercises are aimed at anxiety and stress reduction and better sleep. In this way, we hope to increase people's resilience and reduce/prevent post-traumatic stress. 


Cartoons on trauma and depression as an aid to refugee children.



Helping Hand - Gamified mental health training simulation for adolescents - UpLink - Contribution (


The 'Helping Hand' app provides accessible support for young people to develop social and emotional skills. The app provides a safe environment to prepare for challenges in a series of real-life scenarios.




This organization provides support to refugee Ukrainian people with disabilities and their families.


Information about the organization

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