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Psychosocial assistance and psychological support for refugees

WorldPsychologists refers questions for psychological care from July 1, 2023 from

Ukrainian refugees to national phone number 010 200 5088


Through this phone number, a Ukrainian psychologist helps Ukrainian refugees in psychological distress.

This hotline is part of the program Mental health for displaced Ukrainians EMPATIA, by foundation OPORA, together with PsyGlobal, Refugee Council and the Counter Ukraine.

WorldPsychologists Foundation, along with a lot of psychologists, provided help to refugees from Ukraine immediately after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. There, on the road and here.

We paired many Ukrainians with a licensed psychologist, who provided initial psychological help and support on a voluntary basis.

Thank you for all the help and trust we have received as a volunteer organization.


With cordial regards,

World Psychologists Foundation

Starting from July 1st 2023, WorldPsychologists Foundation will refer questions regarding mental health care for Ukrainian refugees to the national telephone number +31 (0) 10 200 5088


Through this hotline, a Ukrainian psychologist will assist Ukrainian refugees with mental health issues. This hotline is part of the mental health program for displaced Ukrainian people EMPATIA, established by

OPORA foundation, in collaboration with PsyGlobal, Dutch Council for refugees and others.


Immediately after the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, WorldPsychologists Foundation provided

assistance to refugees from Ukraine, with the help of numerous psychologists. In Ukraine, during the flight or here in the Netherlands. We connected many Ukrainians with accredited psychologists who provided initial psychological support and assistance on a voluntary basis.

Thank you for all the help, support and trust we have received as a volunteer organization.


Warm regards,

WorldPsychologists Foundation

Оцінений читачу, Починаючи з 1 липня, Фонд Світові Психологи буде
відправляти питання щодо психологічної допомоги українським біженцям на
загальнодержавний телефонний номер: +31 (0)10 200 5088


Українським біженцям з
психологічними проблемами буде надана допомога через цей телефонний
гарячу лінію від українського психолога. Ця гаряча лінія була заснована у
співпраці з Міністерством Юстиції, PsyGlobal та OPORA під новою назвою
EMPATIA (див. також веб-сайт. Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, відвідайте:



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