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Free mental health care for Ukraine people!

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Dear Ukraine people


If you are in need of professional mental health care you can contact a registered psychologist from the Netherlands.

WorldPsychologists is a NGO from the Netherlands that offers free mental health care though (video) call. Confidentiality is one of our top priorities. If you are interested you can send an email with you name and cellphone number to That way we can connect you to one of our psychologists. Together we will evaluate what you need and how and when the contact take place. We believe in a buddy construct, no matter where you are; in Ukraine underway or for some time where you are.


What is our method?

When someone reports to us with psychological problems, we will map this out (short triage) and wish to connect that person to a health care practitioner of World Psychologists in the Netherlands, who will start an online treatment or telephone support trajectory as they see fit.

This aid is for all people who are still in Ukraine or somewhere along the way or who have already arrived somewhere.

As a kind of buddy system there is personal contact between refugee and psychologist. Together they decide for how long and how often they will be in contact.

The following applies to both client and practitioner: If you are part of the online treatment or support, discuss in advance that that the conversations are confidential and a treatment plan will not be made. Also, the practitioner cannot offer post-conversation monitoring, so check the social support system! Furthermore: that you should have an agreement about how often and how you will have contact.

Mental health treatment/support for people in Ukraine.

We have contacts with health care professionals in Eastern Europe including Ukraine.

A website with low threshold has been developed where people with psychological problems can go to find information such as psycho-education about sleeping, stress and advice (in Ukrainian).

On this website there is a link to professional healthcare and the contact information of World Psychologists. Thus, direct contact can be made with us. This website has been translated in four languages (Czech, Ukaranian, Russian, and English) and has been visited many times already. Also, there is a related Facebookpage.

Why is this so important?

The regular Mental Healthcare (GGZ) has huge waiting lists and will not be able to support all refugees from Ukraine directly. Besides the problem of waiting lists the refugees from Ukraine do not know our health care system and they are not yet insured.

Therefore we believe that the efforts of all volunteer psychologists are invaluable, not only for now but also for psychological health later on.

World Psychologists can make a difference thanks to all volunteer psychologists who want to contribute to this. Our gratitude is tremendous.

In addition, we will set up intervision opportunities for our psychologists who are buddies, so they can take good care of each other and ask each other for advice.

Furthermore, we are looking for cooperation with other networks and organizations such as NTvP, who is planning to give a webinar to all volunteers. If there are new developments we will keep you informed.

World Psychologists seeks World Psychologists

Dear fellow psychologists and psychotherapists,

World Psychologists Foundation has joined a network (friends of Ukraine) that will work to help people from Ukraine. The network consists of various people and organizations who all have friends, colleagues and acquaintances in Ukraine who through their network can act on questions coming from Ukraine.

It involves different forms of help.

We as World Psychologists are also part of this network and coordinate all questions around psychological support and treatment by phone and online.

Given the expected demand we probably need more volunteers.

If you would like to do something you can contact the World Psychologists Foundation:

You will then be put on a list, so we can reach you when needed.

We need the following information from you:



Phone number


World Psychologists — це фонд у Нідерландах, який пропонує безкоштовну підтримку психічного здоров’я з допомогою (відео)дзвінків, коли йдеться про будь-які проблеми, як-от тривога, проблеми зі сном, процес переживання горя, гнів, смуток, травма тощо.

Конфіденційність - один із наших головних пріоритетів. Якщо Ви зацікавилися, будь ласка, надішліть нам електронного листа зі своїм ім'ям та номером мобільного на адресу

Тоді ми зможемо зв’язати вас з одним із наших кваліфікованих психологів. Разом ми подивимося, що саме Вам потрібно, як і коли буде здійснено контакт.

Ми віримо у форми дружньої підтримки, хоч би де ви були - в Україні, в дорозі чи десь іще.

Яка в нас метода?

Коли хтось звертається до нас із проблемами з психічним здоров'ям, ми визначаємо напрям роботи (пріоритетність) і прагнемо зв'язати цю людину з практикуючим лікарем Wereldpsychologen у Нідерландах, який, залежно від ситуації, ініціює контакт у форматі онлайн або програму підтримки по телефону англійською мовою або з перекладачем.

Ця допомога пропонується всім людям, які ще перебувають в Україні, кудись іще їдуть або вже кудись прибули.

У межах цієї своєрідної системи дружньої підтримки, між вами обома існуватиме особистий контакт. Як довго і як часто ви контактуватимете, ви визначите разом.

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KVK      77548302

RSIN     861042682  
Rekeningnummer  IBAN NL54ABNA0884361489 t.n.v. Stichting WereldPsychologen


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